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European Ultimate Championship Series


Here is a list of links related to Ultimate, Frisbee, Disc Golf and anything else that could
be useful to Frisbee Players. If you have a link which could be useful to the Frisbee community, please don't hesitate to forward it to dbrauchli(at)gmail.com.


The EFDF - European Flying Disc Federation
The UPA - Ultimate Players Association in the US for US and Canadian players
The WFDF - World Flying Disc Federation
UPA Rules - Rules for the UPA
WFDF Rules - Rules for the WFDF
European Flying Disc National Federations
Central European League - Section in the CE region, tournament, results, links to teams in CE
UK Ultimate - Official page for Ultimate in the United Kingdom
German Ultimate - Official page for Ultimate in Germany

Discussion and other Frisbee related stuff

Rec sport disc - the UPA discussion forum
Ultivillage - Video of UPA ultimate (subscription required)
Thomas Griesbaum's page of Frisbee Links

Annual Huge tournaments

Paganello - Biggest Beach Tournament in the world, every Easter, in Rimini, Italy
Wonderful Copenhagen - Early Season, high quality tournament in Copenhagen, Denmark
Harbour Ultimate - Great tournament, great grass, long games to points in Rotterdam, NL
Windmill Windup - Three-day tournament using Swiss draw format in Amsterdam, NL

Frisbee Gear

Curve Inc. - Custom jerseys, socks company based in Boulder, CO
Ground Control - Custom ultimate jerseys and hand-made clothes from Prague, CZ
Lookfly - Custom ultimate jerseys, shorts, and other ultimate stuff, from Nottinghamshire, UK
Gaia - Custom and standard ultimate frisbee jerseys, shorts, shoes from Vancouver, BC
VC - Custom ultimate jerseys, shorts, from Toronto, ON
Patagonia - They're cool, they'll work with you to get you their jerseys, from Seattle, WA
Discraft - Want to order your team some discs? based in Wixom, MI

Friends of Frisbee

Apartments in Prague - Nice apartments in Prague, CZ for short-term stays. Frisbee players
                                      get 10% discounts off desk prices.
Bil Elsinger - Played a lot of disc before he blew out his knee, now he shoots photos of 
                      tournaments all over the world. Maybe you are on his site!

Getting Around Europe Cheaply!

Easy Jet - Cheap flights all over Europe, the earlier you book,  the cheaper the flight.
German Wings - Cheap flights to and from Germany.
Tuifly - Cheap European flights.
DBA - Even more cheap European flights.
Sky Europe - Cheap flights from central Europe.

This site is hosted by the EFDF, the European Flying Disc Federation and
all EUCS events are part of the EFDF
2009 EUCS Rules

NOTE: All Email addresses on
these pages have replaced the
@ symbol with an (at) to prevent

2009 CSC Committee

Andrea "Oddi" Furlan,  Chair
Ruediger Veitl, DE, CE
Katka Svobodova, CZ, CE
Markus Erkinheimo FI, NE
Tiina Rättö, FI, NE
Buddha Schneider, CH, SW
Emilie Vaillant, FR, SW
Si Hill, UK, W
Aura Mackenzie, UK, W
Paul Eriksson, SE, EFDF
Alia Ayub, UK, EFDF