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European Ultimate Championship Series


Here is a list of links related to Ultimate, Frisbee, Disc Golf and anything else that could
be useful to Frisbee Players. If you have a link which could be useful to the Frisbee community, please don't hesitate to forward it to dbrauchli(at)gmail.com.


The EFDF - European Flying Disc Federation
The UPA - Ultimate Players Association in the US for US and Canadian players
The WFDF - World Flying Disc Federation
UPA Rules - Rules for the UPA
WFDF Rules - Rules for the WFDF
European Flying Disc National Federations
Central European League - Section in the CE region, tournament, results, links to teams in CE
UK Ultimate - Official page for Ultimate in the United Kingdom
German Ultimate - Official page for Ultimate in Germany

Discussion and other Frisbee related stuff

Rec sport disc - the UPA discussion forum
Ultivillage - Video of UPA ultimate (subscription required)
Thomas Griesbaum's page of Frisbee Links

Annual Huge tournaments

Paganello - Biggest Beach Tournament in the world, every Easter, in Rimini, Italy
Wonderful Copenhagen - Early Season, high quality tournament in Copenhagen, Denmark
Windmill Windup - Three-day tournament using Swiss draw format in Amsterdam, NL

Frisbee Gear

Curve Inc. - Custom jerseys, socks company based in Boulder, CO
Ground Control - Custom ultimate jerseys and hand-made clothes from Prague, CZ
Lookfly - Custom ultimate jerseys, shorts, and other ultimate stuff, from Nottinghamshire, UK
Gaia - Custom and standard ultimate frisbee jerseys, shorts, shoes from Vancouver, BC
VC - Custom ultimate jerseys, shorts, from Toronto, ON
Patagonia - They're cool, they'll work with you to get you their jerseys, from Seattle, WA
Discraft - Want to order your team some discs? based in Wixom, MI

Getting Around Europe Cheaply!

Easy Jet - Cheap flights all over Europe, the earlier you book,  the cheaper the flight.
German Wings - Cheap flights to and from Germany.
Tuifly - Cheap European flights.
DBA - Even more cheap European flights.

This site is hosted by the EFDF, the European Flying Disc Federation and
all EUCS events are part of the EFDF

2011 EUCS Rules

NOTE: All Email addresses on
these pages have replaced the
@ symbol with an (at) to prevent

2011 CSC Committee

2011 CSC Committee

Andrea "Oddi" Furlan,  Chair
Ruediger Veitl, DE, C
-- vacant --
Katka Svobodova, CZ, E
Gabor Barross, H, E
Paul Eriksson, SE, N
Alina Dunaeva RUS, N
David Moser, CH, S
Silvia Sabino, FR, S
Si Hill, UK, W
Aura Mackenzie, UK, W